Early eradication of Canada thistle in the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness.

Conservation Corps removing Arundo from a San Diego streambed.
Help renew state funding for Weed Management Areas in California!
Support from your organization is critical for our push to renew $2.5 million to the state’s network of Weed Management Areas (WMAs). The network provides strategic early eradication response for invasive plant populations that will spread if left uncontrolled. Invasive plants not only impact native wildlife, they can increase wildfire and flood risk, degrade agricultural production, impede recreation, and reduce water supply. One weed alone, yellow starthistle in the Central Valley, consumes an extra 1 million acre-feet of water each year, equivalent to 10% of total municipal use in the state!
AB 2402, authored by Assembly Member Joan Buchanan, would renew funding for WMAs and the state’s weed biocontrol program, an essential component of long-term invasive plant management. Given the tough budget climate, we need all hands on deck to demonstrate the breadth of support for this bill. Here’s how you can help.
Send a support letter from your organization! Use the sample text and follow the directions for submission.
This fact sheet from Assembly Member Buchanan’s office lists supporters to-date.
Thank you for your support!