Presentations below from the 2020 Statewide WMA Meeting (Online)
Introduction, Doug Johnson, Cal-IPC
CDFA weed program updates, Michelle Dennis and David Kratville, Cal. Dept. of Food & Agriculture
California’s RCDs: Lucas Patzek, Napa RCD, and Tanya Meyer, Yolo County RCD
New weeds in California, Jutta Burger, Cal-IPC, and Bob Price, CDFA
Regional strategies for weed management, Doug Johnson and Nikki Valentine, Cal-IPC
Calflora training on mapping weeds, Cynthia Powell, Calflora
Nevada/Placer WMA, Michael Plotz, Placer County Dept. of Agriculture
Santa Barbara WMA, Elihu Gevirtz, Channel Islands Restoration
Northern San Joaquin WMA, Theresa Bechetti, UC Cooperative Extension