Ivan Robles, Treating Medusahead
San Diego Weed Management Area Hosts:
County of San Diego Department of Agriculture, Weights and Measures & University of California Cooperative Extension
Visit us at our NEW website:
Contact Info:
County of San Diego – Mark Martinez, Mark.Martinez@sdcounty.ca.gov
University of California Cooperative Extension – Christopher J. McDonald, cjmcdonald@ucanr.edu
Annual Meeting held at the County of San Diego Operations Center 5520 Overland Ave San Diego, CA 92123
Regular Participants and Stakeholders:
- County of San Diego Department of Agriculture, Weights & Measures
- County of San Diego Department of Parks & Recreations
- County of San Diego Department of Public Works
- University of California Cooperative Extension
- Dendra Inc.
- Cal-IPC
- San Diego County Farm Bureau
- San Diego Management and Monitoring Program (SDMMP)
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
- California Department of Food and Agriculture
- University of California Cooperative Extension
- San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
- Urban Corps San Diego County
- City of San Diego
- San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
- California Native Plant Society
- California Department of Fish and Game
- Santa Margarita/San Luis Rey Weed Management Area
- Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base
- Carlsbad Watershed Network
- Cleveland National Forest
- Marine Corp Air Station – Miramar
- Sierra Club
- California Department of Transportation
- Mission Resource Conservation District
- San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board
- San Dieguito River Park Foundation
- San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy
- The Friends of Los Peñasquitos Canyon
- US Fish & Wildlife Service