Santa Ana River & Orange County


Chair: Shani Pynn, Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District

General contact: Shani Pynn at
or (951) 683-7691 ext. 204

Meetings: Held Quarterly to bimonthly rotating between Riverside and Orange County sites, currently via Zoom.

Webpage: Currently hosted on the RCRC web page:

Formed: 2003

Outreach Summary:


  • Cal-IPC Student Chapter/WMA booths at local plant sales
  • CNPS Orange County Chapter weed presentations to various groups and organizations

Project Highlights:

   Multiple species weed control throughout WMA

  • SAROCWMA members and participants are removing and controlling weeds in over 20 areas on over 1500 acres of project site areas in Parts of Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange Counties. The weeds being focused on are: Arundo, Tree Tobacco, Castorbean, Salt cedar, Tree of Heaven, Milk Thistle, Perennial Pepperweed, Fennel, Spanish Broom, Artichoke Thistle, Myoporum, Dalmation Toadflax, Fivehook Bassia, Musk Thistle, Chinese Tallowtree, Diffuse Knapweed, and Yellow Star Thistle.

Organizations on WMA’s MOU

  • Santa Ana Watershed Association (SAWA)
  • California Native Plant Society-Riverside-San Bernardino Chapter
  • California Native Plant Society-Orange County Chapter
  • Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner
  • Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District
  • Inland Empire Resource Conservation District
  • Irvine Ranch Conservancy
  • Center for Natural Lands Management

Other regular participants

  • San Bernardino Department of Agriculture
  • San Bernardino County National Forest
  • Cal-IPC Student Chapter
  • Cleveland National Forest